The previous entry briefly touched on the expense in purchasing original copies of Calmet's disserations.
The book, which is being sold by uofarkscott44 on eBay, isn't even one of the French originals (1746, 1749, 1751).
It appears to be a German, reprint translation of the second edition (1749) of Calmet's work. But this is hard to determine, as it appears that the seller appears to have cribbed the item's description...
It appears to be a German, reprint translation of the second edition (1749) of Calmet's work. But this is hard to determine, as it appears that the seller appears to have cribbed the item's description...
Title details: Des hochwürdigen Herrn Augustini Calmet ... Gelehrte Verhandlung der Materi von Erscheinungen der Geisteren, und denen Vampiren in Ungarn, Mahren etc [microform] / Französisch beschreiben und in dieser Sprach zum Zweytenmal aufgelegt zu Einsidlen, Anno 1749. mit merckwürdigen Zusätzen, welche im Französischen nicht enthalten, sondern nach dessen Ubersetzung des Ubersetzer von dem hochwürdigen Herrn Authore in Zweymalen erst schrifftlich seynd übersandt worden, vermehrt ; die Nutzbarkeit des Wercks, und die darbey gehabte Absicht des Herrn Authoris ist aus seiner heinach stehenden Vorrede zur ersehen ; ins Teutsche übersetzt durch einen Preister Ord. S. Ben.
[ Dissertations zur les apparitions des anges, des démons & des esprits. German ]
[ Gelehrte Verhandlung der Materi von Erscheinungen der Geistern, und denen Vampiren in Ungarn, Mahren etc. ]
...from Open Library - right down to keeping the "microform" reference intact.
The Calmet biography that accompanies the item description, is clearly taken from Wikipedia, without citation.
It doesn't come without faults, either:
The Calmet biography that accompanies the item description, is clearly taken from Wikipedia, without citation.
It doesn't come without faults, either:
Pages: lacks the title page of the first volume, but is otherwise complete with all 416 pages for volume 1; the second part ends at page 214 and appears to be missing the last page; the book includes extensive indexes, preface, and such; generally free from marking or foxing;I wish him all the best with his sale.